Tuesday, April 9, 2013

JBattdesign Store on RedBubble!

I'd like you to meet a new networking site for artists called RedBubble.com. I now have a store on it selling cases for iPads, iPods, iPhones, tee shirts, stickers and poster prints.  Also anything I make here will get shared on my Pinterest.

One of my current design trends, and something I wanted to expand on since I first started doing this in college, is typographic art.  This means using the natural shapes of specific letterforms from selected typefaces to create mesmerizing patterns and decorative objects.  With over 1400 fonts installed on my design workstation, the possibilities are endless! 

I call it the "Typographic Continuum" project.

Here are just the iPhone cases I made so far, for example:

Fun and cool, right?  I predict these will be hot sellers.  View the store here:

The Jbattdesign iPhone Case Store

There are only twelve so far, but I could crank out a new one every day for years!  They are so easy and fun to make.  All this is done in Adobe Illustrator with my extensive font library.

As a former sign maker, my entire career used to revolve around typography and font selection. It's an art form in itself, and as old as Gutenberg's movable printing press.  It's not so much what you say, but how you say it.

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