Friday, August 23, 2013

Special Summer Project: Custom Decorated Bird Houses

This is not the kind of artwork I normally do, and so it was not easy. The Wilmington Garden Club asked me to paint these three small birdhouses with the theme of the "Three Little Pigs" for the children's garden behind the Talley Day Park Library. The project took about three weeks to finish after almost a month of procrastinating ("Uhh, I really dunno if I can do this...") If it were not for my art buddy Stephanie Ann and her nimble, dainty girl hands with a fine-tipped paintbrush and her moral support, honestly today I'd still be staring at a bunch of unpainted bird boxes. 

I still do traditional art such as painting, but it takes a real kick to get me started, and don't believe that I can do something until I actually do it. I really wasn't sure if these would turn out as well as they did. I hope the Garden Club likes them even if the birds don't.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fortune Cookies: I want to believe.

Fortune cookies have a sort of self-fulfilling magic to them. Because you're supposed to read it and make it come true yourself. I want to believe that I was meant to get this one. :)